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root canal

Do I Need a Root Canal?

At Ever After Dental, patients ask, "my tooth hurts, do I need a root canal?" Toothaches can be terribly inconvenient. They make it difficult to eat, speak, or even function.


Options for Replacing
Missing Teeth

At Ever After Dental, we have several options for replacing missing teeth. If you have a tooth that has been knocked out in an accident or was removed due to decay, we can perform a procedure to replace it so you can regain the full functionality and appearance of your smile.


What Can I Do to Improve My Smile?

My Formal is Soon, what can I do to Improve My Smile? Your formal is coming up, and you are embarrassed by your smile. What do you do? Call the dentist. Whether you are getting ready for the homecoming dance, prom, or any formal event, you want to be confident enough to show off your smile.

When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary

As a family dentist in Claremont, CA, we are regularly asked, "When is a tooth extraction necessary?" This is an understandable question because no one wants to have a tooth pulled unless it is absolutely beneficial.


Will I Need a Bone Graft for Dental Implants

If you are considering getting dental implants, you are already on the road to restoring your smile. Since dental implants are surgically placed and inserted into the jawbone, one of the questions our Claremont patients ask is whether or not they will need a bone graft prior to the procedure. We encourage you to visit our dental office for an examination and X-rays so that we can answer this question based on your health.

dental anxiety

Dental Anxiety

At Ever After Dental, we can perform dental work on patients that are struggling with dental anxiety. If you avoid the dentist due to fear of what a procedure may be like or simply do not enjoy dental work, give us a call.


I Think My Gums Are Receding

At Ever After Dental, we focus on the health of our patients' gums just as much as we do on their teeth. We understand the critical nature of the gums and the role they play in keeping teeth healthy, strong, and intact. Through regular dental care, we can work to prevent gum disease.


Oral Cancer Screening

At Ever After Dental, we encourage you to schedule an oral cancer screening today. If you have not yet taken this life-saving measure, you should. Oral cancer is a disease not frequently discussed. There are few, if any, advertising campaigns, walks, or fundraisers supporting its treatment.


What Do I Do If I Damage My Dentures

If you have dentures, it is important to handle them with care so they can remain in as good a condition as possible. Still, it is wise to ask, "What do I do if I damage my dentures?" We can offer the information and tools necessary to address a problem if you have one.


Why Are My Gums Bleeding

If your gums are bleeding, visit our Claremont dentist office to have your teeth examined. At Ever After Dental we can examine you and determine whether they are bleeding due to simple irritation or if there is a greater health concern.


Wisdom Teeth Extraction

You may need a wisdom teeth extraction at some point in your life. It is rare for a person to have enough room for all of their wisdom teeth, and as a result, they tend to grow in impacted. This can be uncomfortable, pushing your other teeth forward and creating a space for food to become trapped; it can also increase your risk of infection and decay.


Do I Have Sleep Apnea

If you feel as though you have no energy and are too tired to keep up with your friends and family, you should visit our dental office to talk about sleep apnea. This may be what is causing your issues, and simple non-invasive treatment may be just what you need to feel like yourself again.


Improve Your Smile for Senior Pictures

If you are in your junior year of high school, it is time to think ahead to your senior pictures. These are the pictures that will remain in infamy in your school yearbook and looked at by all your friends for decades. This is not your casual selfie, but something you want to really look amazing in.

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Oral Hygiene Basics

At Ever After Dental, we help patients throughout Claremont to stay in excellent oral health. With a focus on preventative care, we take the time to get to know each of our patients, creating a plan for lifelong oral health. With only one set of permanent adult teeth, it is important to care for them and be proactive in taking the steps to prevent cavities, infections, and gum disease.


What Should I Do If I Chip My Tooth

At Ever After Dental we are regularly asked, "What should I do if I chip my tooth?" This is actually a fairly common problem. If you live in the Claremont area, we encourage you to call (909)-480-4118. as soon as your tooth becomes chipped.